Stop - Categories Word Game

Stop – Categories Word Game Mod Apk Unlocked

Stop - Categories Word GameStop – Categories Word Game


Size: 21.78 MB |Version: 3.23.0 |File Type: APK | Android 4.0.3+

Description :
Stop is a fun and clever turn based game you play with friends.
Randomly select a letter to start and type a word for each of the 5 different categories that starts with that letter. The player that gets most correct words in the least amount of time wins!

Stop - Categories Word Game

Characteristic of Stop – Categories Word Game :
Turn based, fast paced word game
Go head to head with your friends on Facebook and Game Center
Unlimited fun with challenging categories to choose from
Achievements to unlock and conquer the game
Learn a new language! Play in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian and Brazilian Portuguese
Characteristic of mod :
Every Unlocked
Advertise Eliminated
Set up Instructions:
Download the Apk file on mobile or another device.
Transfer the file to your phone if you have not downloaded it directly to your phone.
Install the application or game on your phone.
It is very simple!

Author: Apk Apps Mod